Mental Health Awareness Week 2024

HR Executive

On Wednesday 15 May 2024, Taylors Legal organised a lunch event aimed at raising awareness of mental health.

In line with Mental Health Awareness Week, the purpose of the event was to create a more informed and supportive workplace where employees can feel safe to speak to colleagues and managers about their mental health and wellbeing without the fear of judgement.

With “Movement: Moving more for our mental health” the theme of Mental Health Awareness Week 2024, employees were encouraged to join in with a fun and engaging activity.  This helped lighten the mood and promoted teamwork and a positive workplace culture. 

Employees enjoyed a nice lunch and raised money by wearing green to support the Mental Health Foundation with their research and development for new ways to support and protect good mental health.

The event was a great success and received positive feedback from employees with some commenting favourably on the proactive approach to mental health. 



group photo